When looking for promotional merchandise for your business here are a few quick tips…
The first one may surprise you!
1) BUY LESS- Thats because we think it’s better for your brand and the planet, to invest in better quality products that are kinder to nature and get reused. Quality and sustainability over quantity! It’s better to have one really great promotional gift that aligns with your brand but also get used over and over.
2) CHOOSE TO REUSE-Look for a product that can be re-used! Select a product that is made from sustainable materials and can replace disposable, single use items. We must work together to reduce unnecessary waste and choose more responsibly when we source for our businesses. Sustainably made, reusable products are not only a better for your brand but they also mean repeated visibility.
3) MATERIALS MATTER-Make sure you know what your products are made from. Ask about the material and choose items that are ethically and sustainability made from renewable resources. Understand the end of life actions required. If your product is biodegrable, or recyclable, make sure you communicate how to ensure that right actions are taken when the time comes. It’s worth noting that just because something “looks” natural doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice. Speak to your supplier for details so you ensure you are making the best decision.